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Mom 2 Waylon Remembering Kimberly "Sue" January 17, 2010

                          1st Angelversary

                     Kimberly "Sue" Harvey

                 June 10, 1965 ~ Jan. 17, 2009

             Angel Flying Home

               Spread Your wings and Fly Angel!!

                     Forever Loved & Missed



Edwina~Troy Mitchell's mum Thinking of Sue with love on her 1st Angelversary January 12, 2010



Remember me

Remember me when flowers bloom

early in the spring,

Remember me on sunny days

in the fun that summer brings.

Remember me in the fall

as you walk through the leaves of gold,

And in the winter - remember me

In the stories that are told.

But most of all remember

each day - right from the start,

I will be forever near

for I live within your heart.



Mom 2 Waylon Mansion in Heaven January 12, 2010



Directions to my new home in Heaven....

Make a Right onto Believeth Blvd.

Keep straight and go through the green light, which is Jesus

Christ. There, you must turn onto the bridge of Faith, which is

over troubled water. When you get off the bridge, make a right turn and keep straight. You are on The King's highway ~ Heaven-bound. Keep going for three miles: One for the Father, One for the Son, and One for the Holy Ghost.  Then exit off onto Grace Blvd. From there, make a right onto Gospel Lane. Keep straight and them make another right on Prayer Road. As you go on your way, Yield not to the traffic on Temptation Ave. Also, avoid Sin Street because it is a Dead End! Pass up Envy Drive, and Hate Avenue.  Also, pass Hypocrisy Street, Gossiping Lane, and Backbiting Blvd.  However, you have to go down Long~suffering Lane, Persecution Blvd., And Trials and Tribulations Ave. But, that's all right because Victory Street is straight ahead.....Which brings you to the gates of Heaven! 


    ~ Home Sweet Home~


A MOTHER'S LOVE is like an island
In life's ocean vast and wide,
A peaceful, quiet shelter
From the restless, rising tide ...

A MOTHER'S LOVE is like a fortress
And we seek protection there
When the waves of tribulation
Seem to drown us in despair ...

A MOTHER'S LOVE'S a sanctuary
Where our souls can find sweet rest
From the struggle and the tension
Of life's fast and futile quest ...

A MOTHER'S LOVE is like a tower
Rising far above the crowd,
And her smile is like the sunshine
Breaking through a threatening cloud ...

A MOTHER'S LOVE is like a beacon
Burning bright with FAITH and PRAYER,
And through the changing scenes of life
We can find a HAVEN THERE ...

For a MOTHER'S LOVE is fashioned
After God's enduring love,
It is endless and unfailing
Like the love of HIM above ...

For God knew in His great wisdom
That HE couldn't be everywhere,

mom 2 Waylon thinkin of you December 13, 2009

Merry Christmas!




Holiday Bells

          Celebrate Christmas in Heaven, sweet Angel

            Let your laughter fill the air

         Until the day we meet in Heaven

           My Love will be with you there.



Striped Candles

Edwina~Troy's mum Thinking of you with love at christmas December 11, 2009





mom 2 Waylon Sue ~ Christmas Angel December 1, 2009



     Christmas Angels


          Reach for an angel high on a star;
         She sends you Christmas wherever you are,
         Bringing you laughter and faith so supreme,
         Touching your heart with a beautiful dream.


            Peace and Goodwill in each loving home,

         Beauty and magic so surely your own.

         Sweet Christmas Angels ~ moments of LOVE,

         Part of the wonder God sends from above!

amanda mom i love you November 27, 2009

Dear Mom,

                I know I may have not done everything right when it came to your burial,but i was not exspecting to have to plan one for such a young mommy, It hurts so bad that I get shut out by so many but you know i tried my best at something that was so hard the hardest thing I've ever had to do in my life.I lost my mommy my bestfriend my world that day and went out of my mind.I literally lost my mind mom. I do not want anyone with mad feelings towards me ,all i want is love. You gave me so much love and now my life is empty,me and sis don't talk and you know why ,mom me and her have never been able to get along not even in your death. Even that could not bring us together.Oh god I fall apart every day and have to be put together every night, and sometimes not even then.My heart aches as though i have been shot and then shot again. I want to hug you and tell you all thats going on I want to kiss you and tell you I'll make it better i wants to lay by your side to feel your presence beside me i want my bestfriend back i want you back . ypu always let me know that i meant the world to you and said i was one thing you did right.I know every word you spoke was true and mom we will have a bond closer then anyone will ever know. I love you moomy love your baby girl forever and always.Your the absolute  best.Thanks for being my mom I would take back one single day.Amanda

mom 2 Waylon thinkin of you November 24, 2009

from our house to your house happy thanksgiving




Thanksgiving Pilgrims Giving Thanks

mom 2 Waylon Many Blessings November 8, 2009

MySpace Blessings Comment - 30


Thank you for the blessings that you give to us each day;
For friends and family we hold dear, for all you send our way.
We ask that you will guide us well, in everything we do,
And pray we never will forget these blessings came from you.

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